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Look, we’re trying to put together a team to save FIAT, it’s hard work, it’s going to be long, so the right person is to choose the right people for the job. When you must reorganize something, starting from the people is always a good idea

Sergio Marchionne, Video CNBC.


Discovering a method


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"Fix it again, Sergio!"

Rebuilding always needs a method. Deep-diving into the approach of a rebuilder like Sergio Marchionne is necessary to replicate it today.

In the following cards we collected seven key points to explain the “Marchionne method” through important episodes that characterized his 14-year-long management at Fiat.

Sergio Marchionne

In the following cards we collected seven key points to explain the “Marchionne method” through important episodes that characterized his 14-year-long management at Fiat.


How many people would take the lead of a bankrupt business? How many times, during crisis, the only possible road seems to be giving up?

Sergio Marchionne took on the responsibility and risk of rebuilding, willingly accepting a challenge that many believed to be impossible.

Sergio Marchionne took on the responsibility and risk of rebuilding, willingly accepting a challenge that many believed to be impossible.

1st June, 2004

Sergio Marchionne becomes CEO of FIAT


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And he took on this task, which was no laughing matter, because it was a challenge. And he loved challenges.

Gianni Coda, former global sales manager of FCA


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When do we bet instead of gambling? If we want to start over again, which opportunities can be discarded?

Unlike his predecessors, Marchionne leverages a subtle clause of the agreement with General Motors. After months of negotiations, GM must pay Fiat NOT to buy it.

Unlike his predecessors, Marchionne leverages a subtle clause of the agreement with General Motors. After months of negotiations, GM must pay Fiat NOT to buy it.


14th February, 2005

Sergio Marchionne wins a poker match against General Motors, gaining 1.55 billion Euros

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The history of these people helps us understand what betting with a method - instead of gambling - really is.

Marco Bardazzi, journalist



Is it possible to change one’s perspective when everything seems to have been tried? How can you see what other people can’t?

In the middle of the economic crisis of 2008, while the world watches the bankruptcy of one of the three main automotive brands of the US, Sergio Marchionne sees and seizes an opportunity for development.

In the middle of the economic crisis of 2008, while the world watches the bankruptcy of one of the three main automotive brands of the US, Sergio Marchionne sees and seizes an opportunity for development.

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30th April, 2009

Barack Obama announces Fiat’s corporate takeover of Chrysler



The most incredible thing was Marchionne’s imagination, his ability to consider things that rationality would never dare to deem possible

Mario Calabresi, author of many books, former editor of La Stampa e Repubblica



Who can identify the weak points and the assets? Who’s got the best approach in critical situations?

The plant of Pomigliano hasn’t been operational for years. After months of negotiations with the trade unions, a referendum brings into force a new agreement and, despite the higher work rates, the plant gets back to operations.

The plant of Pomigliano hasn’t been operational for years. After months of negotiations with the trade unions, a referendum brings into force a new agreement and, despite the higher work rates, the plant gets back to operations.


22nd June, 2010

A referendum is held in Pomigliano, where the workers share their opinions on the new company agreement



Robin Hood was the person who created the company agreement and reopened Pomigliano d’Arco.

Marco Bentivogli, former general secretary of FIM-CISL



What characteristics must a leader have to convince you to follow them? Does being a leader only mean giving orders?

Marchionne’s leadership was extremely functional but also received considerable criticism. He asked a lot of his company because he gave a lot, requiring the utmost trust and sharing of his views, both in case of success or failure.

Marchionne’s leadership was extremely functional but also received considerable criticism. He asked a lot of his company because he gave a lot, requiring the utmost trust and sharing of his views, both in case of success or failure.


05th October, 2012

The attempt at purchasing Opel fails



He undoubtedly believed in people’s ability to pursue and make great things.

John Elkann, Stellantis chairman



Where does our dedication to our work come from? What makes a person sacrifice every day of every year, every second of their time, for a specific project?

Despite his illness, which was kept secret until his very last day, Marchionne shows up to the public in a milestone place of his life, where he makes an action that sums up and symbolizes his human and professional journey.

Despite his illness, which was kept secret until his very last day, Marchionne shows up to the public in a milestone place of his life, where he makes an action that sums up and symbolizes his human and professional journey.


26th June, 2018

The last public appearance: a Jeep is given as a present to the Carabineri



Passion drove him in everything he did

Tommaso Ebhardt, Milano boureau chief at bloomberg news



Changing the traditional way that an industry operates, especially in a new and effective way.

Against all odds, with Marchionne’s intervention Fiat became more competitive and stronger than ever: a disruptive change made possible by a man who wasn’t afraid to take out what was not working because he knew something new was about to be built.

Against all odds, with Marchionne’s intervention Fiat became more competitive and stronger than ever: a disruptive change made possible by a man who wasn’t afraid to take out what was not working because he knew something new was about to be built.


June, 2004 - July, 2018

Sergio Marchionne runs Fiat


If we have a changing process in mind, we know we cannot make it happen without taking something out

Federico Visconti, Head of LIUC Carlo Cattaneo University


Rebuilding today


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1st June, 2004

Sergio Marchionne becomes CEO of FIAT


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