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Fundamental to the construction of the project was the realization of the twelve interviews through which guests with different stories, roles and even opinions on Sergio Marchionne were able to tell us a part of this story, often through curious anecdotes. We then asked all the interviewees for their personal opinion on the possible season of reconstruction that awaits us.

Gianni Coda

Former global sales manager of FCA until 2014, Sergio Marchionne trusted friend.

31/05/2021 - Torino

John Elkann

Chairman and CEO at Exor N.V Stellantis, Ferrari and GEDI publishing group.

30/06/2021 - Torino

Mario Calabresi

Former editor of La Stampa e Repubblica, writer, author of “Altre storie” and founder of “Chora media.

14/07/2021 - Milano

Federico Visconti

Chancellor and business administration ordinary professor at LIUC Carlo Cattaneo university.

11/03/2021 - Castellanza

Tommaso Ebhardt

Milano boureau chief at bloomberg news, author of the book “Sergio Marchionne”.

26/04/2021 - Milano

Marco Bentivogli

Marco Bentivogli, former general secretary of FIM-CISL from 2014 to 2020. Now coordinator of Baseitalia.

18/05/2021 - Milano

Sergio Chiamparino

Politician, major of Turin from 2001 to 2011 and president of the Piedmont region from 2014 to 2019.

12/04/2021 - Zoom

Gianni Rinaldini

National Secretary at FIOM-CGIL from 2002 to 2010; CEO at “Claudio Sabatini foundation

07/05/2021 - Reggio Emilia

Marco Bardazzi

ANSA correspondent in America from 2000 to 2009, journalist and founder of Be-a media company.

12/06/21 - Rho

Paolo Bricco

Journalist of “il Sole 24 ore”, author of the book “Marchionne lo straniero

22/03/21 - Milano

Dario Odifreddi

CEO at Associazione Consorzio Scuole e Lavoro, CEO at Piazza dei Mestieri foundation.

09/07/2021 - Torino

Bernardo Bertoldi

Management professor at Turin University, author of the case study “Sergio Marchionne at Chrysler”.

09/07/2021 - Torino